Boozhoo! I'm Em Matson

I’m a two spirit Ojibwe freelance writer, editor, and content creator with an interest in communicating complicated ideas clearly and concisely.

One of my main driving motivators is curiosity. I love finding clever solutions to tricky problems, experiencing and relishing in new moments, and meeting interesting people. My drive to discover led me to Iowa State University, where I graduated May 2018 with a B.A. Advertising and a B.A. English, and a minor in Women and Gender Studies. 

My professional work spans the tabletop roleplaying space, having edited and written for the core rulebook of Coyote and Crow and written for an adventure as a part of the Stories from the Freelands anthology. I am also a writer for an upcoming Cloud Empress setting story. In partnership with my colleague and friend Nipinet, I am have also written for an upcoming comic in the Iron Circus Indiginerds anthology

In addition to my creative pursuits, I also have served as a community organizer for the Minneapolis Two Spirit Powwow, and created the powwow’s first zine, featuring art, writing, and love from fellow two spirit creatives in the Upper Midwest.

Interested? Shoot me an email, or check out my work. I'd love to talk to you about what drives you and makes you passionate.